Painting Faces with Watercolors and Stencils
Bring Life to Your Art and Create with Ease
Painting with Watercolor and Stencils
-Discover the magic of watercolor
-Learn Basic Techniques
-Set your Image with the help of Designer Stencils
-Practice Painting 9 Different Faces
-Personalize Your Portrait
-Create Layers of luminous Color
You will learn how to...
-Use Stencils to get your face on paper, without worry about proportions and shape
-Choose Which Colors to
Lay Down First
-Use Your Brush to "Sketch"
-Use a Reference Photo to Make the Portrait Your Own
-Bring Natural Highlights
to the Page
-Fill in the Background and
Let the Water do the Work
-Add the Final Details
-Get an additional tool to make even more beautiful art with your watercolors.
- One more Stencil. Use it to make flowers, butterflies, more faces, or abstract designs like you see here. Add these elements to create cards, gift tags,
mixed media, and more.
The possibilities are endless!
Your bonus also includes a large paint brush and written instructions and inspiration.
Your Kit Includes:
- Pelikan 24 Water Color Pallet and
Mixing Tray
-White Paint for Mixing
- Small Watercolor Paint Brush
-Medium Watercolor Paint Brush
-Large Watercolor Paint Brush
-Micron Pen size 01
-Micron Pen size 03
- Watercolor Paper
-"Faces in the Crowd' Stencil
-"ATC Mix Up" Stencil
- 2 Instructional Guides
- Video Tutorials