Any color red, inexpensive acrylic paint to prime canvas
Paint colors (Either acrylic or oil)
Titanium White
Raw Umber or Burnt Umber
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium or Pyrrole Red
Paintbrushes. I like a size 4, 6 and/or 8 Filbert. Maybe a detail round size 2, but I always recommend using what you have on hand and not buying anything new for the workshop.
At least one reference photo to paint from. Some tips for choosing a photo:
The image should be a simple headshot, sometimes it helps to have a B&W and color version to reference. If you crop the photo to 3x4 and then print it to “fit the page” the dimensions will be correct to work from.
If painting in Acrylic:
Golden OPEN acrylic medium (optional, but this keeps your paint workable and easier to blend longer)